Tom McKeesick

20240126 CS Surf - Toggle all saveloc keybinds

What is saveloc?

When surfing in CS Source/GO/2, the saveloc keybinds are essential!

This is the name given to the checkpoint system used to

If you’ve ever played Trackmania (or any other racing game), you’ll be familiar with such a system - if you drive off the track or wipe out, then you can teleport to a previous checkpoint and then try the same section again.

In surf this system is the same, except that you have to manually add the checkpoint yourself while surfing! (TODO: do an article in future to implement something automatic?)

There is a quick YouTube video that you can check outt for an overview of this plugin if you are new to it:

Pro Surfers do THIS to Learn 1000+ Maps

How do I use saveloc?

I use saveloc the way that most people do, and only use a handful of keybinds

  1. save checkpoint
  2. teleport to checkpoint
  3. switch to previous checkpoint
  4. switch to next checkpoint

In addition, I’m also including 2 other teleport commands in this article which are

  1. teleport to beginning of map
  2. teleport to beginning of stage

What do I need?

I find that I need to be very careful whenever I use saveloc, as accidentally hitting the “teleport to checkpoint” keybind means that you enter “practice” mode and your map time can no longer be counted as a leaderboard entry.

So, my aim is

Toggle all teleport & saveloc keybinds on and off with a single key

The CFGs

My solution relies on “one weird trick™”, but first it’s easier to build up the required cfg files for the enable/disable actions.

The Magic

The alias command points one cfg command -> another one.

Using this, we can create 2+ state commands, and then one main command that is “aliased” to one of the state commands by default, e.g.

The bind/unbind commands need to include a 2nd command that assigns a new alias! This allows the bind/unbind commands to be called, and then set the shared alias to point to the other command.

This can be used for a simple toggle like I’ve done here, but can also be used to increment/cycle through 2+ states (e.g. I’ve used this to iterate through host_timescale on my home server in 5 stages).

After creating the two CFG files above^, I have the following section in my surf_online.cfg config file

// saveloc (bind by default)
exec surf_saveloc.cfg;
alias savelocon "exec surf_saveloc.cfg; alias saveloc savelocoff";
alias savelocoff "exec surf_nosaveloc.cfg; alias saveloc savelocon";
alias saveloc "savelocoff";
// toggle saveloc
bind . "saveloc";

This means that I can press the . button toggle between practice/attempt modes easily! Hope you enjoy :)