Tom McKeesick

20220308 Fresh Python Repo

This is a basic method for initialising a python-based repository that aims to have as few boilerplate files and dirs as possible, and to be portable so that you can develop on different OS’s/architectures.

This blog entry is a WIP, more steps will be added over time

  1. Create an empty repository in Github, and clone it to your local computer.

     cd demo-repo
     mkdir ops test demo-repo
     # Create boilerplate files
     touch Makefile ops/Dockerfile requirements.txt
     # Create files to make modules
     touch demo-repo/ test/
  2. Create a dummy “hello world” file (this will be removed later)

     ☯ ~/demo-repo cat demo-repo/
     print("hello world")

    Now your repo should look like this:

     ☯ ~/demo-repo tree
     ├── demo-repo
     │   └──
     ├── Makefile
     ├── ops
     │   └── Dockerfile
     ├── requirements.txt
     └── test
     3 directories, 5 files
  3. Fill in the Dockerfile with the minimum boilerplate

    1. Inherit from the official python docker image with a major version release tag
    2. upgrade apt packages
    3. upgrade pip and install requirements.txt
     FROM python:3.9
     WORKDIR /code
     RUN apt update && apt upgrade -y
     ADD requirements.txt .
     RUN python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip && \
         python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
     ADD . .